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Posts tagged ‘cherry tomato’

My Garden Day 132

Today I pulled up a couple of carrots to check that they were growing okay.
Yesterday Opa picked a bowlful of my cherry tomatoes.
This evening I had to fend for myself in the food department. I decided to cook using ingredients from my garden as much as possible. I started off by making a tomato mix. Then I decided that would be a good pasta sauce. So here is what I did:

Fry a small onion and a clove of garlic (both from the shop)
Chop the cherry tomatoes in half and chuck them in. (my garden)
I also added a couple of Joanne’s regular tomatoes chopped up.
I picked one of my chillis that went red in last week’s heatwave – unfortunately it also went all crinkly and dried. So I chopped that up and threw it in, I had no idea how hot that would make my meal.
I put some basil in (joanne’s herb pots).
then some salt and pepper just for fun. (shops, I’ve never grown my own salt)

I then started cooking the (shop-bought) pasta.

The pasta had been cooking for a bit when I realised I had two carrots from my garden. Ones that were planted by Mitchell no less. The other day when I was at Allison’s she fed me pasta that had grated carrot in it, and that was quite nice, so I added the carrot all grated up.

Then when it came time to served I put some cheese and parmesan on it.